My Journey into Bike Riding: How It All Began

Hello travel & adventure enthusiasts! I’m Harsh, and I’m excited to share the story of how I embarked on my bike riding journey. This blog post is about the experiences that fueled my passion for bike riding, the challenges I’ve faced, and the moments that keep me riding.

The Beginning

In 2020, when I was 17, I stumbled upon some YouTube videos of creators who were riding bikes and embarking on long journeys with full riding gear and protection. I was instantly captivated. One channel that stood out to me was “Counting Miles” by Amit Sinha. Watching Amit ride his Royal Enfield Classic 350 from Kolkata to Ladakh was a revelation. The thrill, freedom, and sheer adventure depicted in his videos inspired me deeply. I was so excited that I asked my mother how far she’d let me go on a bike. Predictably, she denied my request, saying I wasn’t mature enough yet.

Gaining Skills and Confidence

After getting my license and gaining riding knowledge through travel blogs and YouTube videos, I honed my riding skills. Armed with this knowledge and enthusiasm, I hit the road on my father’s bike, a Discover 100T. My first significant ride covered a total of 300 kilometers. That journey was a turning point for me. I realized that bike riding was my true calling, and I decided to pursue it seriously.

Looking Back and Ahead

Reflecting on my journey from a curious teenager to a dedicated biker, I am grateful for the experiences and lessons learned along the way. Bike riding has become more than just a hobby; it’s a way of life that brings me joy, freedom, and a deep connection with nature.

So yeah, that’s my story of how I got into bikes and riding. I hope you enjoyed my first blog post. I’d love to hear about your first biking experience – share your stories in the comments below!

Happy riding,

About the Author

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