Most Underrated Hill Station to Visit Near Surat: Monsoon Bike Ride to Dang

Hello riders! I want to share my riding experience to the most underrated hill station in Gujarat. When we mention hill stations in Gujarat, everyone thinks of Saputara. However, I’m talking about Dang, located just 40 km away from Saputara. This place is incredibly beautiful and immersed in nature.

We visited Dang in September. My two cousins joined us from Surat, and they arranged a second bike for our journey. We took a train from Ahmedabad to Surat, arriving in the evening without any plans except for heading to Dang. During the train ride, I researched and explored places to visit in Dang.

That night, we decided on the places we wanted to visit. The next morning, we woke up early, packed some food and fruits, and prepared to leave. Luckily, it had rained overnight and was still raining in the morning, so we geared up in raincoats right from the start of our journey.

We were a group of four, joined by two others from the outskirts of Surat, making us six heading to Dang. We took our first break in Bardoli for breakfast, during heavy rain. To protect our bags and phones from the rain, we bought waterproof covers since the rain was also affecting our navigation.

We reached Dang around 11 am, and the rain hadn’t let up. Our first stop was Don Hill Station, followed by a visit to Mahal Ecotourism Campsite. Despite it being the weekend, there were very few people around because most visitors prefer Saputara.

The only challenge we faced was finding vegetarian food as there were no vegetarian restaurants in Dang. Most places served non-vegetarian food like chicken and fish. Fortunately, we had brought our own food, and the locals were friendly and helpful whenever we needed assistance. We even found an abandoned wooden house where we could eat in peace.

Overall, the experience was memorable, especially since all our photos were taken in raincoats—quite funny considering it rained throughout the day without stopping.

Let me know about your monsoon ride experiences in the comments below!

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