From Snowfall in Solang Valley to the Spiritual serenity of Manikaran: Friendship, Fun and Frolic

I’m here to share my unforgettable Manali trip experience with my friends. Here, you’ll read about all the exciting moments and adventures we had.

The Beginning: Planning and Departure

It was my job to research and finalize the best package for our Manali trip. After many discussions and endless comparisons, we finally settled on the perfect package and eagerly awaited the day of our departure from Ahmedabad.

Our group consisted of six friends, all brimming with excitement. We boarded our train from Ahmedabad’s Sabarmati BG station at 9:45 AM. Little did we know, this would be just the beginning of an adventure filled with unexpected twists. As our journey began, we were aware of the ongoing farmers’ protest, which was causing quite a stir. Our original plan was to reach Chandigarh, where the trip organizer would pick us up and take us to Manali. However, fate had other plans. Due to the protest, the Sindhu border was closed, forcing us to change our route. Instead of Chandigarh, we were redirected to Rupnagar, two stations ahead. While this sudden change threw us off our schedule, it also added a sense of unpredictability and excitement to our trip. After all, what’s an adventure without a few surprises?

Day 2: Unexpected Stay in Rupnagar

We reached Rupnagar early in the morning, and it was quite a contrast to our expectations. The place had a rural charm, but finding suitable accommodation was a challenge. After some searching, we found a hotel rated 2.5 stars. Given the limited options, we decided to book it and rest for the day. In the evening, we started looking for places to visit and stumbled upon a beautiful Gurudwara named “Gurudwara Bhatha Sahib Ji.” We decided to check it out, and it turned out to be a serene and spiritual experience. The Gurudwara’s peaceful ambiance captivated us, and we ended up spending the entire evening there.

As night approached, we were supposed to be picked up by our trip organizer, but due to the ongoing farmers’ protest, there was another delay. They informed us they could only pick us up early the next morning. So, we returned to our hotel and planned to get some sleep. However, our plans took an unexpected turn. One of my friends, Raj, suggested we play Dumb Charades to pass the time, and soon enough, we were all enthusiastically involved in the game. Amidst the laughter and fun, Raj managed to break the sofa in our room, adding a humorous twist to our night. Despite the city being a bit dull, we created our own fun and made some unforgettable memories.

The day ended with us finally settling down for some rest. Early the next morning, around 5 AM, our driver called to inform us they would reach our hotel in half an hour. We quickly got ready to check out, but the hotel manager demanded we pay 2.5 times the fare for extending our stay by a few hours. After a heated verbal exchange, we managed to sort things out. In hindsight, I would recommend staying at a Gurudwara instead of a hotel. Not only is it much more economical (around 100 to 150 INR), but it also offers food and safety. We learned this the hard way, as one of the kind individuals we met at the Gurudwara had already suggested this to us the previous day.

Day 3: The Journey to Manali Begins

After a night with little sleep, we were exhausted but brimming with excitement as our official trip to Manali and Kasol kicked off. We piled into a Force Traveller driven by Sonu, an exceptionally skilled driver whose expertise on the winding mountain roads left us in awe.

We made our first stop around 8 AM near Kullu for breakfast. The restaurant offered stunning mountain views, making our meal even more enjoyable. After breakfast, we continued our journey towards Manali, cameras ready to capture every moment of the breathtaking scenery.

By 11 AM, we reached Manali and headed straight to the Shri Vashishtha Temple. Our next adventure was the Jogini Waterfall trek. The trek started from the quaint town of Vashisht, taking us through a gentle 3 km walk amidst the forest. The views of Rohtang Pass and the Beas River accompanied us on our left, enhancing the trek’s beauty. Despite the challenging snowy and slippery paths, we persevered. Halfway through, two of our friends decided to take a break at a small shop selling tea and Maggi. The rest of us continued and were rewarded with the sight of the majestic Jogini Waterfall. The trek back to our bus was equally scenic, with the sun setting and casting a golden glow over the snow-covered landscape.

After the trek, we visited Manali Mall Road. This bustling street is a treasure trove of boutiques and antique shops, perfect for picking up unique souvenirs. We bought various items for ourselves and our families, including woolen gloves in preparation for our visit to Solang Valley the next day.

We reached our hotel by 9 PM, freshened up, and had dinner. We joined another group from Delhi around a bonfire, sharing stories and making new friends. Despite our search for alcohol nearby our hotel, we couldn’t find any liquor shops. Fortunately, one of the guys from the Delhi group invited us for drinks, but we decided to head back to the hotel as fatigue set in. While I was talking to my parents in the hotel reception, the same guy brought over a bottle of Old Monk and invited us to join him. My friends and I ended up having a conversation with him, a finance company manager, and his colleagues, including the company’s co-manager and owner. They shared their experiences of Solang Valley, which was on our itinerary for the next day, providing us with valuable insights and tips. Meeting new people and hearing their stories added a special touch to our day. As the night deepened, we wrapped up our conversations and prepared for the adventures awaiting us in Solang Valley.

Day 4: Adventure in Solang Valley

Our day started with a hearty breakfast and a sense of excitement. Solang Valley is famous for its skiing opportunities, especially in the winter months. Dressed in our rented snow suits and boots, we set off for the day’s adventure. The hotel we stayed at was incredible, nestled among towering mountains and lush trees, adding to the charm of our trip.

As we made our way to Solang Valley, we came across various rides and activities. Though most didn’t catch our interest, we couldn’t resist trying the zipline across the Beas River. It was a thrilling experience, soaring over the river and back, and it set the tone for the fun day ahead.

We reached the main point of Solang Valley just as snowfall began. It was like a dream come true! We played in the snow, threw snowballs at each other, and captured countless photos and videos. A quick tip: bring a power bank, as our phone batteries drained quickly in the cold. The snowfall intensified, turning Solang Valley into a winter wonderland. It was a breathtaking sight, and we felt incredibly lucky to witness it.

With our spirits high from the snowfall, we returned our rented snow gear and began our journey to Kasol around 6 PM. We made sure to pick up some beers in Manali to avoid the previous night’s alcohol hunt. The road from Manali to Kasol was rough, but the scenic beauty kept us captivated. We reached Kasol around 9 PM and checked into a riverside camp near the Parvati River. That night, we gathered by the riverside, enjoying our beers and the chilly weather. The temperature dropped to -5°C, and a light rain added to the atmosphere. We spent the night sharing stories, laughing, and soaking in the serene surroundings.

Day 4 ended on a high note, filled with the joy of witnessing snowfall, the thrill of new adventures, and the warmth of good company.

Day 5: Exploring Manikaran and Chalal

Day 5 was bittersweet, as it marked the end of our incredible trip. Despite the sadness of our adventure coming to a close, we still had some amazing places to explore.

We began our last day with a visit to Manikaran, which turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences of the trip. Manikaran is renowned for its hot springs, situated at an altitude of 1,829 meters, about 40 km from Kullu. The hot springs are a natural marvel caused by deep fissures in the Parvati Valley. The Parvati River’s water percolates deep into the earth, heating up as it comes into contact with hot rocks and then shoots upwards at Manikaran. The temple here was unlike any I had ever visited, combining spirituality with natural wonders. After exploring the temple and the vibrant local markets of Manikaran, we continued to our next destination.

Next up was the Chalal village trail. Chalal is a quaint mountain village known for its rustic charm and old-world atmosphere. Just a 30-minute trek from Kasol, it’s famous as a ‘hippie’s paradise’ and a hub for trance and psychedelic parties. The village is earning the nickname ‘Israel of Himachal Pradesh’ due to its growing popularity among travelers. The trek to Chalal village was a tranquil getaway, offering an offbeat trail filled with pine trees, river banks, rustic bridges, and charming little cafes. Starting from goSTOPS Kasol, we crossed the main market and Chalal bridge. The 2 km trek ended at Freedom Café, taking about an hour to complete. The serene environment and picturesque views made the trek a perfect way to end our journey.

Heading to Chandigarh

As evening approached, we reluctantly began our journey back to Chandigarh at 7 PM. We reached Chandigarh at 2 AM and checked into a hotel to rest. With our train to Ahmedabad scheduled for 7 PM, we spent our final day exploring the beautiful gardens of Chandigarh.

This trip was an incredible and memorable experience, filled with adventure, stunning landscapes, and new friendships. From the snowy slopes of Solang Valley to the serene trails of Chalal, every moment was unforgettable. As we boarded our train back to Ahmedabad, we carried with us not just souvenirs, but a treasure trove of memories and stories to cherish. I’m incredibly grateful to my friends for making this trip so memorable. Despite the ups and downs, we shared countless laughs, overcame challenges.

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